
My book Bitwise: A Life in Code, is due out from Pantheon Books in April 2018.

My archive of weekly Slate columns from 2013 to 2016 is available here.

For occasional updates please subscribe to my newsletter: AUERBOOK

Selected publications for 2017:

The Sci-Fi Roots of the Far Right, about right-wing SF’s influence on Republicans, for the Daily Beast.

The Trump Diaries, a series of pieces on America today.

Black Blocs and U-locks, the centerpiece of the Trump Diaries.

The Cybernetics Age, on Norbert Wiener and Claude Shannon’s legacies, for Issues in Science and Technology.

Shakespeare Editions and Criticism, a survey.

Confirmation Bias, on the technological failures of Hillary Clinton’s campaign, for n+1.

Selected publications for 2016:

If Only Technology Could Save Us from Ourselves, about the pitfalls of AI, for the MIT Technology Review.

Make America Austria Again: How Robert Musil Predicted the Rise of Donald Trump, for the Los Angeles Review of Books.

Selected publications for 2015:

Facilitated Communication Is a Cult That Won’t Die, an in-depth investigation for Slate.

#JeNeSuisPasLiberal: The Quagmire of Online Leftism, for The American Reader

Selected publications for 2014:

The Quick Time Event, on immersion and interactivity in video games, for The White Review.

Chat Wars, a memoir about coding, Microsoft, and AOL for n+1.

Fighting Incompleteness, an interview with philosopher and critic Philip Kitcher for 3am Magazine.

Selected publications for 2013:

AI Has Grown Up and Left Home for Nautilus, about the past and future of artificial intelligence and what it tells us about ourselves.

The Body as Society, Prison, and Torture Device, an essay on the great Chilean novelist Jose Donoso.

A long review of Thomas Pynchon’s Bleeding Edge in the context of his entire oeuvre, in The American Reader

The Cosmology of Serialized Television, in The American Reader

You Are What You Click: On Microtargeting, a piece for The Nation on Big Data and advertising.

The Resistance of Melancholics, a essay/memorial of Aaron Swartz for Triple Canopy.

Revenge of the Dryasdusts: Paul Hazard’s “The Crisis of the European Mind”, on Hazard’s freewheeling intellectual history of Europe.

Stanislaw Lem’s Summa Technologiae, an in-depth overview of this masterpiece of futurological speculation.

The Pythagorean Comma and the Howl of the Wolf, an essay on music, cosmology, and infinity in Laszlo Krasznahorkai’s brilliant novel, The Melancholy of Resistance.

Archimedes’ Mindscrew, an essay on the work of British artists Thomson & Craighead.

For a more extensive listing, please see Publications.


Awash in a Sea of Text

Awash in a Sea of Text (Zeitraum, Ars Electronica Futurelab)